Tuesday, December 11, 2007

ps pains.

On a Solaris box, the regular ps command ( ps(1) or /usr/bin/ps ) does not give me much info about the command of a process. Oops .. man ps tells me that only the first 80 chars of the command is shown.

This does not help when I am trying to figure out the java process that is taking up most of my server's CPUs.

Some one has mentioned that /usr/ucb/ps should be the ps command I should use. How the hell could I get the man page for that ps. I don't know how, but I figured out it is ps(1B). Here is the man from Sun docs.

-w is the option I should use ( long/wide output ) together with -a ( show processes of all users ). Oh, there is a note for the -w option, the wide output option can be viewed only by a superuser or the user who owns the process.

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